•    The organization adheres to statutory provisions regarding biomedical waste. Handling and Segregation of bio-medical waste is done at the point of generation/ source and is put into different color bags in the same color bins. The “Bio-Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2016” should be followed for the proper handling and final disposal of Bio-Medical Waste
•    The RRIUM, Srinagar adopts color-coded segregation of biomedical waste in all patient care areas.  This is monitored by the Bio-Medical Waste and Hospital Infection Committee daily. All waste containers are emptied daily basis.
•    The RRIUM, Srinagar has outsourced service for the collection of biomedical waste to Kashmir Health Services Lassipora Pulwama J&K (

Roles and Responsibilities of BMW In-charge include following but are not limited to:
OPD and IPD In-Charges assisted by Head House Keeping are designated as in-charges of biomedical waste management
•    Daily inspection of waste segregation and reporting.
•    Supervising the maintenance of registers.
•    The HICC ensures the availability of equipment like needle cutters, autoclaves and sterilizers, waste-carrying trolleys, personnel protective gears (masks, aprons, gloves etc), and other materials like bleaching solution or hypochlorite solution.
•    Ensuring availability of color-coded bins and bags as per Biomedical Waste Management and
Handling Rules, 2016.
•    Formation of Monthly and Annual reports.
•    Maintain records about various categories of waste generated in the hospital, if outsourced
maintaining the records of the receipts and other documents related to Biomedical Waste
•    Segregation is done at source. A color code is followed and appropriately coded waste bags are placed in bins in all patient care areas. Segregated biomedical waste is stored and transported to the central waste collection area of the hospital in properly covered containers in a secured manner.
•    Waste from various patient care areas should be removed at least once a day and whenever required. All bags that are being transported to the central waste collection area should be tied at the mouth to avoid spillage during transport.
•    Smaller bags should be collected into larger bags and carried by the on-duty housekeeping staff to designated storage areas on trolleys. Bags should be picked up and then transported before become completely fill.
•    The transport of too many bags at one time and contact of the bag with the body of personnel should be avoided.
•    Mixing of segregated wastes should be avoided.
•    The staff should be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE).

•    Contaminated syringes are put in puncture proof container (white).
•    At segregation, syringes are put in red color coded plastic cover.

Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility:
•    The administration maintains the annual report of waste generated and the report is submitted to the Pollution Control Board.
•    All categories of staff handling biomedical waste are using appropriate personal protective measures.